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Did you know that? Behind the apparent inactivity of your electronic devices lies a secret that can affect your energy bill: phantom power consumption.


But what does phantom energy consumption really mean? When you turn off your TV, your washing machine, or even your coffee maker, do you think they stop consuming energy? Unfortunately, many of these devices remain plugged in, ready to power up quickly when you need them. This residual energy they use while “off” is known as phantom consumption or standby power, sleep mode, or standby mode.

A common example is the television: even when turned off with the remote control, a red indicator light often stays on, signifying that, although it’s off, it’s still consuming energy. The technical explanation is that electronic devices have a transformer inside with two coils, one of which is always active when the device is plugged in. That’s why you often see a red light on the device: the standby indicator.

5  tip to beat phantom energy consumption

1. Unplug when not in use: The most effective method to stop this energy waste

2. Power strip control: Use power strips with switches to turn off multiple devices at once, or not, with a switch

3. Set up savings: Adjust your devices’ settings to low-power mode.

4. Opt for efficiency: Choose devices or appliances with energy efficiency labels.

5. Educate and share: Share knowledge with your family and friends about phantom energy consumption to raise awareness.


Responsible savings: A step towards a more sustainable world:

Reducing phantom energy consumption not only benefits our finances but also has a highly positive impact on the environment. By decreasing energy waste, we contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and help preserve natural resources.

The power to stop phantom energy consumption is literally in your hands: unplugging a device on standby not only saves energy but also lights the way to a more efficient and responsible home!


(1)  Website of  legal journal of the Comunidad de Madrid, Phantom Consumption: The Silent Expense of Appliances,aunque%20no%20los%20estemos%20utilizando

(2) Website of  Revista Semana, Phantom Consumption: The Device Wasting Energy When Left Plugged In,