In the previous blog, we explored the first five most common electrical failures that can occur in industrial installations, ranging from overloads to problems in the electrical system design. However, what about other electrical issues that can affect the proper functioning of an industrial facility?
In the following blog, we will present new electrical failures along with their consequences. It is important to be aware of these issues to continue maintaining the safety and efficiency of electrical installations and prevent serious accidents to employees.

It is important to highlight that prevention is key and the best strategy to avoid these electrical failures. By following recommended electrical maintenance practices such as regular inspections, testing, and timely repairs, industry professionals can minimize risks and ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations.
Remember, if you have any doubts or need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact an industrial electrician. Don’t wait for an anomaly to occur before taking action; start implementing preventive measures today to ensure efficiency and safety in your industry!
(1) Website of Fluke, 13 common causes of motor failure”
(2) Redalyc Magazin, Quality of electrical power from the perspective of grounding systems
(3) Website of RLC Ingenieros SAC, What happens when there is poor electrical power quality?
(4) Website of ISMD Ingeniería Sostenible, Electrical installations maintenance
(5) Website of ILO, International Labour Organization, Electrical safety–es/index.htm